Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mini Reviews for Comics Released 6/25/08

This is a decidedly Marvel heavy week.

New Avengers #42 – The truth about Spider-Woman is finally revealed, and it’s not quite how we pictured it. This comic has been among my favorite superhero books since the beginning, and this issue is no exception. Cheung’s artwork is always a treat on a book like this, and I’m intrigued by how the Secret Invasion and the House of M will tie together…scary stuff.

Mighty Avengers #15 – Similarly, this issue deals with the truth about Hank Pym. This story was strangely more tragic than the Spider-Woman one, and there’s a strangely ominous tone to the last page. Another nice Secret Invasion tie-in.

Captain America #39 – I miss Epting’s art. Having said that, wow. There’s a lot of politics in this book, and this issue really pushes the comic towards an interesting end. Plus we get to see a pregnant, drugged up Agent 13 kicking ass.

Daredevil #108 – I love Michael Lark’s art on this book. This is a really interesting story arc which has allowed us to see more of Dakota North, which has been really neat. It’s also nice to see Daredevil stop moping for a little while and start acting. My favorite part: Dakota beating the snot out of the guy who assaulted her last issue. Turnabout is fairplay, right?

Final Crisis #2 – I’m not going to pretend like I understand everything that happened in this comic book. But I actually think it’s the kind of challenging read that makes me want to know. Not that I’d blame someone for giving up. We’ll see what happens. Not to be nitpicky, but there are some art issues with this comic. Ordinarily I wouldn’t nitpick little things like this, but in a book like this, where little details in the art are so important, I’d think this would be kind of a major issue. In particular I am referring to John Stewart’s Green Lantern ring, which seems to disappear off of his hand, yet it seems really important that he was wearing the ring on that hand later in the issue…

Fantastic Four #558 – I really enjoyed this issue. It’s got super science, romance, and Franklin Richards acting like super villain fights are no big thing. It also features some people breaking Dr. Doom out of prison so they can kick the crap out of him. (Okay, maybe that’s not the real reason, but it sure does seem like it!)

Ultimate Spider-Man #123 – A creepy look at Eddie Brock’s life. Actually this was really good, one of those issues that showcases Bendis’s strength with dialogue. Venom is a scary dude.

Superman #677 – Wow, this was fun. From the science police basically here to clean up after Superman and fix problems when he can’t be there, to a game of fetch with Krypto, to conversations about the lunacy of superheroes with Hal Jordan…this was a fun comic. Here’s to plenty more James Robinson Superman.

Thunderbolts #121 – Perfect. Shall we coin the term Deus Ex Bullseye? Yeah that doesn’t translate quite right, but it’ll work.

Trinity #4 – Uh oh. I really liked the first story in this issue, but I had a hard time caring about the back-up…I hope that trend doesn’t last. But the beginning was super fun. Mindless superhero violence and I’m okay with that.

Uncanny X-Men #499 – This story was just…weird. I’m glad it’s over, frankly, though it had some good laughs in it.

Marvel 1985 #2 – I’m excited about this book. I hope it lives up the promise of the first two issues.

No Hero #0 – Now this was an exciting primer for the series. Warren Ellis rarely disappoints, so I’m looking forward to reading this book as it comes out. Especially given the $1.00 zero issue, you have no real excuse to not at least give it a taste and see what you think.

Caliber #3 – This is a really cool book. The high concept: King Arthur set as a Western, I suppose. The art is great and the storytelling accomplished. I’m impressed.

My Favorite Comic Moment of the Week: Thunderbolts #121

Moonstone: Oh, no.

Hm, I guess you kind of have to read the issue to get that one.

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